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Now welcoming patients with Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) coverage!

Restorative Dental Services

At France Gascon Dental Clinic on the West Island, we offer a range of restorative dental services including fillings, bridges, crowns, dentures, gum therapy, and TMJ treatment.

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Restorative Dental Services, West Island Dentist

What is Restorative Dental Care?

Restorative dental care includes any dental treatment that is intended to restore the normal function and appearance of your teeth.

By repairing structural problems such as damaged or missing teeth, our dentists can help restore your smile – and your oral health.

Once your oral health condition has been diagnosed, our dentists at France Gascon Dental Clinic will determine the right restorative treatment option for you.

Same-Day Restorations

Using CEREC® technology, our dentists can create and place porcelain crowns and inlays in a single dental appointment to help restore your smile. No more impressions or temporary crowns, just dental restorations in one visit to our clinic.

Dental Crowns

Crowns are porcelain caps that are placed on top of teeth to restore their function and appearance. Crowns are used to attach bridges, cover dental implants. They can also help restore a discolored or stained tooth to its natural appearance.

Dental Bridges

Bridges are natural-looking dentures that attach to existing teeth or dental implants to fill the space left by one or more missing teeth. Bridges are custom-made and barely noticeable. They can restore the natural contour of the teeth as well as the fit between the upper and lower teeth.


Inlays are natural-colored porcelain fillings that are used to repair cavities when the damage is too great for a standard dental filling. They are custom-made in a dental laboratory. Once they have been created, they are permanently attached to the tooth.

Dental Fillings

At France Gascon Dental Clinic, we use mercury-free fillings to repair cavities or dental damage, such as cracks or chips. These fillings can withstand moderate pressure from the constant stress of chewing and can be used on both front and back teeth.

New Patients Welcome

We are accepting new patients! Don't hesitate to contact us and take the first step toward achieving better oral health outcomes.

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